Monday, August 20, 2012

Make Floors More Presentable With Polished Concrete

Concrete floors have long been associated with personal and business spaces that are mostly used for industrial needs. However, since the housing and properties markets have seen changes in recent years, a growing trend among designers and builders has been to incorporate more wider uses of concrete floors in their buildings and designs. They have used a process known as concrete polishing to produce floors that are not only strong and durable, but also designed with varying colors and patterns. As preferences for home and corporate design continue to evolve, elaborately designed polished concrete floors will increasingly be the desired choice over traditional hardwood, tile, or granite floors. Learn more about Stamped Concrete Overland Park.

The concrete polishing process is not all that different than the process of finishing wood. For both, there is a multiple step process wherein the floors are grinded down until they reach a desired state of smoothness. Very often, the grinding reveals some nuances and traits that were hidden beneath the surface, which can then be incorporated into the floor's design or presentation. Because polished concrete floors can quite easily be made to specific design preferences, they can therefore be easily adapted to countless personal and corporate needs and functions.

New concrete floors aside, the concrete polishing process is also often used to strengthen, level, and repair concrete floors in other ways. Certain hardeners, gels, and other substances can be used to further improve the concrete floor's density and durability. Even more, polished concrete floors do not usually need any waxes or sealers, and are very much low maintenance.

One of the most attractive features about polished concrete floors is that they are relatively low cost options for having beautifully designed floors that can by uniquely creative. Different colors can be added to the concrete polishing process, to produce floors in special color combinations or patterns. Some newer tools and techniques are now being utilized to produce polished concrete floors with highly creative textured designs. The more these floors are used for new and existing buildings of all kinds, the more architects and designers will find innovative ways to style and design them.

One thing that the 21st Century has taught us so far is that we must begin to develop newer ways of conducting our business and our lives. A significant aspect of this will undoubtedly be developing new processes that will give us high quality materials but at lower costs. As this continues, the value of polished concrete floors will only continue to increase. With just a little time given to light research, you will find a lot of useful information on the many options and applications of polished concrete floors. For more details about Staining and Polishing Concrete, click the link.

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Decorative Concrete Options

Concrete has become a designer flooring option. New techniques have made concrete flooring a reasonable alternative to granite or slate. This includes staining and polishing, in addition to dying and stamping. Concrete floors can also be finished to change the look. For more information about Staining and Polishing Concrete, follow the link.

Concrete is made up of cement, aggregate, and water. Portland cement is the most commonly used in concrete, but it isn't the only option. Ancient Romans used quicklime, for example. The aggregate can also be one of several substances. Common options are gravel, ground rock, and sand. In some instances, a decorative aggregate is used in the concrete mix to add visual interest. Additives can change the appearance and the performance of concrete. Additives change things like conductivity and flexibility, and can even allow concrete to set under water. The strength of the concrete is determined by the amount of water used. The less water you use, the stronger the final product will be, but the harder it will be to pour or shape.

Concrete can be stained with acid or with a water-based solution. An acid stain actually interacts with the material in the concrete and produces a chemical change that results in color changes. A water-based stain also changes the color, but does so without affecting the chemical makeup of the concrete. Staining produces a marbled affect and looks similar to natural rock flooring.

To polish a concrete floor, the installer will cut it several times with progressively finer grinding tools. A floor can be cut several times to change the shine. For a shinier surface, finer grit is used, and for more cuts. After the floor has been cut several times, a densifier can be applied before the final cuts are made.

Staining and polishing can be done to existing floors as well as new floors. With a new concrete floor, the effect is easier to control. Weather changes the chemical makeup of the slab and can make it less susceptible to acid staining, for example. With a new floor, you can choose the aggregate, and thus, the look of the floor, while polishing an existing concrete slab will highlight the aggregate that is already there. If you want to retrofit an existing concrete floor, but still want to use a concrete with a decorative aggregate, a new, thin slab can be poured on top of the old one. Follow the link to get more information on Concrete Concepts Kansas City.

The type of finish you use can change the look of the concrete in two ways: shine and color. Glossy finishes have a nice shine. Matte or satin finishes reflect less light and appear lighter in color. A glossy finish can be difficult to maintain in high-traffic areas, as scratches become more apparent. A finish can be applied to stained, polished, stamped, or standard concrete flooring.

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Bring Your Old Floors To Life With Concrete Polishing

When most people think of beautiful flooring, they will usually think of hardwood floors or elaborate tiling--not usually concrete floors. Since most concrete floors are often used in industrial situations, they are not looked at as being aesthetically pleasing in any way. More people are now beginning to discover that it is, in fact, possible to make concrete floors quite beautiful, without even losing their industrial strength and durability. Accordingly, there are many individuals and businesses that are now taking advantage of concrete polishing to make their industrial concrete floors much more pleasing to look at. For more ideas about Overland Park Stamped Concrete, check out the link.

Most concrete floors, when laid down, are not intended to add much beauty to a given space, because most of these spaces are used for industrial purposes. Within most circumstances, concrete floors are chosen for their strength, durability, and low installation and repair costs, not their aesthetic appeal. Yet, with many different colors and designs to choose from, concrete polishing can transform a drab, unappealing floor into a more beautiful surface. As such, many architects and designers are beginning to use polished concrete floors more often in their projects, both industrial and domestic.

Each providing its own appearance and style, a wide variety of surface treatments are applied in the concrete polishing process. Depending on the preferences of the building owner, polished concrete floors can be stained or dyed in hundreds of different colors and shades. Additionally, by adding elements like colored bits of glass, and applying either glossy or matte finishes, beautiful and unique patterns and designs can be created. Through the same polishing process, a concrete floor can be made safer by correcting slippery, cracked, and uneven surfaces.

Whether the concrete floor has already been installed or not, the polishing process does not require a lot of natural resources. As a decent alternative to other kinds of flooring, polished concrete floors do not require any lumber nor many harmful substances and materials. Polished concrete floors are also very convenient, in that the process is relatively clean and can often be used almost immediately after it is completed. Perhaps most importantly, it is possible to get a very nice floor without spending much money, since the materials are inexpensive and the work is not very difficult.

In these economically challenging times, both individuals and businesses must find any way they can to achieve their goals while spending as little money and resources as possible. On the other hand, many innovative, alternate products and processes are now more available which probably otherwise would not have been considered. Concrete floor polishing is certainly one such way of attaining a more beautiful space without spending too much time, effort, and resources. To learn more about the concrete polishing options available to you, it only takes a little bit of time and effort to do some research. Check out the link to get more ideas on a Concrete Company in KC.

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Understanding The Benefits Of Polished Concrete

More and more people are choosing to go with a polished concrete floor over tile or natural stone. Homeowners and business owners alike have chosen it for their kitchens, showrooms, restaurants, workshops, offices, and sales floors. There are many good reasons for this, including cost, ease of maintenance, variety of options, and more. Check out the link to get more information on a Kansas city Concrete company.

Cost is one of the main benefits to polished concrete. The price per square foot is considerably lower than tile or stone and even though it costs more initially than carpet or vinyl, the longevity of it makes it more cost effective in the long run. The cost per square foot will change based on the size of the space being done, with larger spaces costing less per square foot than smaller ones.

Concrete also has the benefit of being easy to care for. They require no buffing or waxing to remain shiny. The better you are about cleaning, the better your floor will survive and the longer it will continue to look good. Regular dust mopping with a gentle cloth and regular washings with a basic (as opposed to acidic) soap or cleanser are all it needs to stay looking good.

Polished concrete can be made to look like almost anything. You can change the look of the concrete with acid staining, scoring, etching, stamping, and dying and each has its own particular look. Polished concrete can also be designed such that logos, patterns, or other designs are incorporated.

Dyes change the color of the concrete to whatever suits your decor. With decorative aggregates like black basalt, rocks, or shells, the look can be altered even more, changing the pattern. Acid or water-based staining create a marbling effect that mimics natural stone. With stamping, a pattern is pushed into the concrete before it hardens that can change the texture. Scoring and etching can also change the texture and pattern of the concrete. Added finishes can change the look even more. How much the floor is polished will also change the gloss level and the color.

There are other advantages, as well. Polished concrete floors won't foster mold or mildew growth. They can tolerate heat and moisture well, making them ideal for any place that will be subject to water on a regular basis. Concrete is particularly well-suited to high-traffic environments because it doesn't dent or chip.

You can install a concrete floor in old buildings as well as new ones. If your building already has a concrete floor, it can be stained and polished to achieve the look you want. If your building does not have concrete floors, or you don't want to use the existing concrete, a new layer of concrete can be poured on top of the old flooring. Learn more about Stained Concrete Kansas City.

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Various Types Of Decorative Concrete

We all know how valuable and important concrete is. It's used in driveways, patios, and walls. Most of the time, though, the substance of concrete is more important than the style of it. However, that does not have to be the case. There's no need for concrete to be ugly. If you want your concrete to look good, you should consider Stained Concrete and polished concrete.

Never forget that you are a unique human being. You shouldn't use the same concrete that everyone else uses. Stained concrete and polished concrete provide the opportunity to showcase your individualism. Even something as mundane and simple as a driveway can be a chance for you to present a unique image. Stained and polished concrete can be used to improve the appearance of your driveway or any other concrete that you have.

Some people believe that stained or polished concrete will not be as strong as standard concrete. Although it may seem like that could be true, it's actually not true at all. Stained or polished concrete is just as strong as standard concrete. This means that there aren't any real drawbacks to having concrete stained or polished. On top of that, concrete that has been stained or polished is actually very durable and resistant to wear.

Keep in mind that there are a variety of ways to alter the appearance of concrete. For example, there is more than one way to stain concrete. One option is to use acid. There are good and bad things about using an acid solution to stain concrete. In acid staining, the actual stain is created through a chemical reaction. The stain will occur on the surface of the concrete. Usually, the stain will be on the top sixteenth of an inch.

It's important that the surface of the concrete be clean prior to staining. Concrete that has been worn down will not stain as well as concrete that is in good condition. Also, be aware that there are several different chemical solutions that are used in acid staining. Iron chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and hydrochloric acid are all compounds that can be used. For more ideas and details about Stamped Concrete Kansas City, follow the link.

If you're interested in staining concrete, you should now that acid stains are not your only option. Another option is to use a water based approach to staining concrete. Water based stains are like acid based stains in that they will often create a translucent look. The main difference, though, is that a water stain does not change the actual physical composition of the concrete.

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